The end of May was so busy, it's only now I've got the time to stop, sit and think it over. My HND course has come to an end. Edinburgh College has given the time and space I needed to address the gaps in my knowledge and really bolster my portfolio and industry understanding. I'm excited to take the lessons learnt with me into the next few months and beyond. Time to roll up my sleeves!
Still, it's good to look back on what's been achieved. Two years ago it was hard to imagine my work on the walls of Edinburgh's Fruitmarket Gallery, or to see myself visiting various Design agencies around town. I've found a huge sense of achievement in making not one, but two videos over a minute long with my art moving along to the audio. I hope to make more in future... And I found even greater enjoyment in coming up with a full story board for a fun Picture Book featuring a bit of Scottish Folklore facing modern commodities like the infamous Wishdosher! (That's a dishwasher between you and me.) Getting Shortlisted for the Kelpies Illustration Prize was also a dazzling experience. I look forward to seeing what June brings... For starters, I've been working on a little reshuffle of my website.