August's end has been and gone, and I had a fantastic time.
I loved attending several of the events at the Edinburgh Book Festival, including an engaging and therapeutic masterclass with Rachael Ball, a delightful talk on Picture Books in translation hosted by Eilidh Muldoon, and a lovely demonstration by a Primary teacher of how she uses Picture Books with her class.
I also had a great time visiting some of the events at the Edinburgh Fringe - some very inspiring performances, and a lot of variety. Particular favourites included Cat-like Tread's Iolanthe, John Robertson's The Dark Room and Mitch Benn's Ten songs to save the World.
That, and current events are inspiring me to work on a dramatic piece of Linocutting after I finish off my current commission. I'm also celebrating a full year of Daily Drawing challenges! That's 1 large pyrography, 8 hand-made sketchbooks, and 12 different challenges, starting from those 1 Inch drawings from last September. I look forward to keep this good habit going. I love all the different things that are coming out of it.