Adjusting to a new routine. It's been nice to have the time to take stock and enjoy things I'd put to the side for a bit... My other half is delighted that we no longer watch shows together at merely a snail's pace! I haven't been idle either, and have been working on a Greetings Card Range and doing some Freelance Indesign work. Can't show you that yet, but I can show you my scribbled rough for the Kidsbooks LLC contest. I like it a lot more than what I made in illustrator as my final submission. The actual winner's image is fantastic!
In other achievements, I used the month of July to work on a larger scale Pyrography image as part of my daily challenge. I really recommend you go check it out! I even filmed the entire process into one 3min video. Now I'm working up some editorial banners in watercolours, and looking forward to the next big project.
And of course, the Fringe is in town. I look forward to seeing several shows, and am just as excited for the Edinburgh Book Festival events.
I hope you all are having a great summer too!