In the run up to the 12th of December, the media this November has been at its most political. It feels kind of fitting that this is the month I submitted a piece about Climate Change to the John Byrne Award, even though I strongly feel that facing Climate Change needs to stop being painted as a political stance among others. If we want to face the changes brought on by man-made Climate Change, it needs to be a universally accepted duty, with those leading us needing to tackle it first and foremost.
Other news this month includes the opening of my online Etsy Shop, which I hope to develop further in the coming months. Otherwise I've spent some time learning new skills and attending events, some of which you can catch a glimpse of in my visual diary from this month's Daily Drawing Challenge. I've also received some printed samples from a commission I worked on this summer, I very much look forward to sharing pictures of them with you come January!
UK readers, don't forget to vote in the General Election next week, and enjoy the Holidays!