April has been a busy time, full of reflection. It's that time of year to look back on progress and see where we want it to take us next.
It's been good fun, indeed, revisiting the images I did as a child in this months daily drawing challenge. Some humourful, bewildering and outright cute stuff hidden away in the old note books of my 8 and 10 year old self.
Meanwhile I've been to visit the Botanic Gardens, the open day at Customs House, and the opening of Edinburgh Printmaker's new home at Castle Mills. Fascinating building by the way! Some quality rubber imitations, and Thomas Kilpper's piece "The Politics of Heritage vs. the Heritage of Politics" is stunningly impressive.
Current projects that I'm working on involve a video to the theme of satisfaction (the image in this post is a sneak preview of the work in progress!) and getting ready for our exhibition in the Fruitmarket Gallery on Saturday the 8th of June! Keep your eyes peeled.