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Moving Image

This page is my portfolio for my various experiments with animation. It's a very exciting field.
From simple walk cycles to multi-layered animated figures, I really enjoy the many challenges offered!
Nothing like seeing your images come to life with a little motion!



The Greek Myth of Tantalus is a cautionary tale, that reminds us to be grateful for what we have and not be greedy. If we always tantalize ourselves with hopes and dreams beyond our reach, we can never find... Satisfaction.

Voiceover provided by the talented Guillaume Babey, the rest was produced by yours truly.

Anyplace Anywhere Anytime

This is my first project completed using Adobe After Effects.
I found it a good opportunity to vent Brexit themed frustrations while exploring my love of mythology themed visuals, with a Celtic Warrior Europa figure.

Full screen viewing recommended!

Need some Storyboarding?

© Natalie Rowland

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